Chapter 4 Managing the Passport 8672ATM Module with Device Manager 67
Using the Passport 8672ATM Module
4Click Insert.The Insert ATM 1483 ELAN dialog box opens (Figure 22).
Figure 22 Insert ATM 1483 ELAN dialog box
DummyMacAddress Dummy MAC address assigned to this VLAN: used in IP
and IPX routed circuits when there is no appropriate source
MAC to use.
LocalIpAddress Local IP address for connection type IP.
RemoteIpAddress Remote IP address for connection type IP.
InArpSendEnable Enables ARP sending on the ELAN for connection type IP.
InArpSendInterval Interval of ARP sending for connection type IP.
IpxVlanEncapMethod One of the following:
• llc
• ether-ii
IpxNetworkNum Network number; IPX only.
StgId Spanning tree group ID. Only for bridge connection type.
rcStgTaggedBpduVlanId VLAN ID used for tagging BPDUs.
Table 12 ATM 1483 ELAN tab fields (continued)
Field Description