134 Chapter 6 Configuring the Passport 8672ATM Module
5Click Enable.
6Click Apply.
The OSPF tab closes, and the IP Address tab is redisplayed.
7Click Close.
Configuring a null-encapsulation PVC
See “Configuring two ATM 1483 PVCs on the same ATM port” on page 127.
Associating the PVC with the VLAN
See “Associating the PVC with the VLAN” on page124.
Follow the instructions there except, in the ConnectType field, select IP instead of
Configuring an IP routing 1483 PVC using the CLI To configure the Passport 8672ATM Module for an ATM 1483 IP routed PVC,
using the CLI:
1To create two VLANs by port, enter:
Metric Metric for this type of service (TOS) on this interface. The
default value of the TOS 0 Metric is (10^9 / ifSpeed). The
value FFFF means “no route via this TOS.”
AuthType Authentication type specified for an interface. Additional
authentication types may be assigned locally.
AreaId A 32-bit integer uniquely identifying the area to which the
interface connects. Area ID is used for the OSPF
AdvertiseWhenDown Value used indicates whether or not a VLAN state change
should be notified to layer 3, provided that the VLAN is
configured as a routable interface. Also used for single
routable ports. In that case, the criteria for state is
Table 47 OSPF tab fields (continued)
Field Description