Olympus LS-14, LS-12 manual Confirming a file in memory Property, To check information P.25

Models: LS-12 LS-14

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Editing [OPTION]

Confirming a file in memory [Property]

File information can be confirmed from the menu screen.

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Editing [OPTION]




Select the file for which you want

1 to check information (P.25).


While the recorder is in stop mode,

2 press the F2 (OPTION) button.


• The [OPTION] screen appears on the



Press the + or button to select




4 Press the OK button.

The [Property] screen appears on the display.

[Name] (File name), [Date] (Time stamp),

[Size] (File size), [Bit Rate]* (File format) and [File Lock] (File protection) appear on the display.

*When a linear PCM format file has been selected, the [Bit Rate] area displays the sampling frequency and bit rate.

5 After checking the information, press the OK button to exit [Property] screen.

6 Press the F3 (EXIT) button to close the [OPTION] screen.


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Olympus LS-14, LS-12 Confirming a file in memory Property, To check information P.25, Select the file for which you want