Olympus LS-14, LS-12 manual Cant create

Models: LS-12 LS-14

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Alarm message list


Alarm message list









[Can't create the


The file for management


system file. Connect

The management file cannot

cannot be created due to

Connect the recorder to a computer and

to PC and erase

be created.

a shortage of remaining

delete unnecessary files.

unnecessary file]








[Cannot play this file]

File cannot be played.

Incompatible format.

Confirm which files can be played on this

recorder (P.43).








[Select a file]

Unselected File.

File is not selected.

Please select a file then carry out the

operation (P.25).








[Same folder. Can’t be

Folder cannot be moved

Attempting to move (copy)

Select another folder.

moved (copied)]


into the same folder.






[Some files can’t be


Attempting to move (copy)


File cannot be moved

a file to destination folder in

Select another file.

moved (copied)]


which a file with the same file



name exists.






[This file can’t be


Attempting to split a file


File cannot be split.

other than an MP3 or PCM

Select another file.



file recorded by this recorder.










Page 90
Image 90
Olympus LS-14, LS-12 manual Cant create