Olympus LS-12, LS-14 manual Changing the playback speed, About music files

Models: LS-12 LS-14

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When you skip to the beginning of the file during playback, the recorder stops at the position of the index mark or temp mark. Index marks and temp marks are skipped when you perform this operation in stop mode (P.44).

When [Skip Space] is set to a setting other than [File Skip], the recorder skips forward/reverse by the specified time and then starts playback (P.70).

About music files

In cases where the recorder is unable to play back music files that have been transferred to it, check to make sure that the sampling rate and bit rate are in the range where playback is possible. Combinations of sampling rates and bit rates for music files which the recorder can play back are given below.

File format


Bit rate







WAV format

44.1 kHz, 48.0 kHz

16 bit



88.2 kHz, 96.0 kHz

24 bit






MPEG1 Layer3:



32 kHz, 44.1 kHz,


MP3 format

48 kHz

From 8 kbps up to

MPEG2 Layer3:

320 kbps



16 kHz, 22.05 kHz,



Variable bit rate MP3 files (in which conversion bit rates can vary) may not be played back properly.

For WAV files, this recorder can only

play back those in the linear PCM format. WAV files other than these cannot be played back.

Even if the file format is compatible for playback on this recorder, the recorder does not support every encoder.

Changing the playback speed

The tone will be automatically adjusted digitally without changing the voice so it sounds natural.








1 While the recorder is in playback mode, press the OK button.

2 Press the + or button to select playback speed.



Page 43
Image 43
Olympus LS-12, LS-14 manual Changing the playback speed, About music files, Press the + or − button to select playback speed