Olympus LS-14 MIC jack of the recorder, Connect an external microphone to, While it is recording

Models: LS-12 LS-14

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Recording from an external


microphone or other device


An external microphone or other device can be

connected and audio can be recorded. Connect as


follows according to the device to be used.

• Do not plug/unplug devices into the recorder’s jack



while it is recording.


Recording with an external microphone


Connect an external microphone to the


MIC jack of the recorder.



To MIC jack

• Applicable external microphones (optional) (P.94).



The built-in microphone becomes inoperable when an external microphone is plugged into the recorder’s MIC jack.

Microphones supported by plug-in power can also be used.

When an external monaural microphone is used while [Rec Format] is set to a stereo recording mode, audio is recorded to the L channel only (P.66).

When an external stereo microphone is used while [Rec Format] is set to a monaural recording mode, audio is recorded to the L channel only (P.66).

To record using an external microphone, connect it to the MIC jack. If you connect it to the LINE IN jack, the recorder will not record sound properly.

If you use the MIC jack and LINE IN jack at the same time, input from the LINE IN jack has priority.


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Olympus LS-14 MIC jack of the recorder, Connect an external microphone to, An external microphone or other device can be