Olympus LS-14, LS-12 Inserting and ejecting an SD card, Inserting an SD card, Open the card cover

Models: LS-12 LS-14

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Inserting and ejecting an SD card

“SD” indicated in the instruction manual refers to both SD and SDHC. This recorder enables you to store data not only to the internal memory but also to a

1commercially available SD card.


Inserting an SD card

1 open the card cover.


While the recorder is in stop mode,

ejecting an SD card



With the SD card facing the correct


2 way, insert it into the card slot as


shown in the diagram.




Insert the SD card, keeping it straight.

Inserting the SD card in the wrong way or at an angle could damage the contact area or cause the SD card to jam.

If the SD card is not inserted all the way, data may not be recorded on the SD card.

When you insert the SD card, the recording media changeover screen will appear.

Close the card cover securely.

To record on an SD card, press the + or button and select [Yes].

Press the OK button to complete the setting.





It is possible to switch the recording media over to the internal memory (P.72).

In some cases SD cards that have been formatted (initialized) by another device, such as a computer, may not be recognized. Be sure to format SD cards with this recorder before using them (P.78).

Battery life may be shorter when using an SD card (P.98).


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Olympus LS-14, LS-12 Inserting and ejecting an SD card, Inserting an SD card, Open the card cover, Shown in the diagram