9. Troubleshooting

Problem Cause Correction

The displayed value of body
composition is abnormally high
or low.
Refer to “The reason calculated results may differ from ac tual
body fat percentage” and “Recommended measurement times”
in “ What You Should Know When Using This Unit”.
The power turns off
approximately 10 seconds after
the body weight is confirmed
and before your body fat
percentage and visceral fat
level is measured.
You did not press the correct
personal profile number or the
Guest/Memory button.(The
personal profile number or “G”
is not displayed on the display
Press the correct personal
profile number or the Guest/
Memory button. (Refer to
Section 5.)
Nothing is displayed when the
power is turned on.
Batteries are not inserted. Insert the batteries.
The polarities of batteries are
not aligned correctly.
Insert the batteries in correct
The batteries are worn out. Replace all four batteries with
new ones. (Refer to Section 2.)
The cord connecting the main
unit and the display unit is
damaged or worn.
Contact the nearest OMRON
service representative.
HBF500-E.book Page 34 Friday, October 24, 2008 10:41 AM