Value Range Automatic
Default Value Automatic
Configuration File Reference FIRM_UPGRADE_AUTO (Page 142)

Firmware File URL

Description Specifies the URL where the firmware file is stored.
This setting is available only when [Enable Firmware
Update] is set to [Yes].
Changing this setting may require restarting the unit.
Value Range Max. 255 characters
Default Value Not stored.
Configuration File Reference FIRM_FILE_PATH (Page 143)
3.8.2 Local Firmware Update
This screen allows you to manually update the unit’s firmware from a PC by clicking [Update Firmware].
After the firmware has been successfully updated, the base unit will restart automatically. Local Firmware Update


Description Selects whether the firmware files are encrypted or not.
Value Range Yes
Default Value Yes
Document Version 2010.03.15 Administrator Guide 119
3.8.2 Local Firmware Update