Menu Item Section Title Setting
Enable Provisioning*2 üPage 120
Standard File URL*2 üPage 121
Product File URL*2 üPage 121
Master File URL*2 üPage 121
Cyclic Auto Resync*2 üPage 122
Resync Interval*2 üPage 122
Header Value for Resync
üPage 122
Reset to Defaults – – üPage 122
Restart – – üPage 123
*1 The access levels are abbreviated as follows:
U: User; A: Administrator
A check mark indicates that the setting is available for that access level.
*2 This setting can also be configured through configuration file programming.
3.2 Programming Instructions3.2.1 Before Accessing the Web User Interface
Recommended Environment
This unit supports the following specifications:
HTTP Version HTTP/1.0 (RFC 1945), HTTP/1.1 (RFC 2616)
Authentication Method Digest (or Basic)
The Web user interface will operate correctly in the following environments:
Operating System Microsoft® Windows® XP or Windows Vista® operating system
Web Browser Internet Explorer® 6.0 (Windows XP only), Internet Explorer 7.0, or
Internet Explorer 8.0 internet browser
Language (recommended) English
Opening/Closing the Web Port
To access the Web user interface, you must open the unit’s Web port beforehand. For details, refer to the
User Guide on the Panasonic Web site (® see Introduction).
48 Administrator Guide Document Version 2010.03.15
3.2.1 Before Accessing the Web User Interface