Description Indicates whether the IP address of the unit is assigned automatically
(DHCP) or manually (static) (reference only).
Value Range •DHCP
Default Value Not applicable.
IP AddressDescription Indicates the currently assigned IP address of the unit (reference only).
Value Range IP address
Default Value Current IP address
Subnet MaskDescription Indicates the specified subnet mask for the unit (reference only).
Value Range Subnet mask
Default Value Current subnet mask
Default GatewayDescription Indicates the specified IP address of the default gateway for the network
(reference only).
•If the default gateway address is not specified, this field will be
left blank.
Value Range IP address of the default gateway
Default Value Not applicable.
DNS1Description Indicates the specified IP address of the primary DNS server (reference
•If the primary DNS server address is not specified, this field will
be left blank.
Value Range IP address of the primary DNS server
Default Value Not applicable.
Document Version 2010.03.15 Administrator Guide 59
3.3.2 Network Status