5.1 Line Settings for Base Unit and Handset

5.1.1 Multi Number Settings

A unit can be used with a single base unit and 6 handsets.
You can assign a maximum of 8 different phone numbers for the base unit (KX-TGP550 only) and handsets.
Each available phone number (line) can be assigned to the base unit and handsets as desired to handle
incoming and outgoing calls.

Programming Example 1

The following programming example shows a configuration where the base unit and handsets have their own
phone numbers, and the base unit and handsets also share a common phone number.
You can program this table using Web user interface programming (® see Grouping Handset/
Handset selection for receiving calls).

[Grouping Handset/Handset selection for receiving calls]

Line No. Phone
Handset No.
1 2 3 4 5 6
11111 ü
22222 ü
33333 ü
44444 ü
55555 ü
66666 ü
77777 ü
88888 ü ü ü ü ü ü ü

Case 1:

A call dialed to "1111" will be received by handset 1.

Case 2:

A call dialed to "2222" will be received by handset 2.

Case 3:

A call dialed to "8888" will be received by the base unit and handsets 1–6.
198 Administrator Guide Document Version 2010.03.15
5.1.1 Multi Number Settings