Department Name URL of Product Configuration File
Planning http://prov.example.com/Panasonic/ConfigPlanning.cfg Downloading Configuration FilesA unit downloads configuration files when it starts up, at regular intervals, and when directed to do so by the
server. In addition, you can prohibit units from downloading the configuration files. For details about the
settings, see 3.8.3 Provisioning Maintenance and 4.3.5 Provisioning Settings.
Download Timing Explanation
Startup The configuration files are downloaded when the unit starts up.
At regular intervals The configuration files are downloaded periodically under the following
•In the configuration file:
–Add the line, CFG_CYCLIC="Y".
–Set an interval (minutes) by specifying "CFG_CYCLIC_INTVL".
•In the Web user interface:
–Click the [Maintenance] tab, click [Provisioning Maintenance],
and then select [Yes] for [Cyclic Auto Resync].
–Enter an interval (minutes) in [Resync Interval].
•The interval may be determined by your phone system dealer. A
maximum of 28 days (4 weeks) can be set on the unit.
•If any valid value other than an empty string is specified for
"CFG_RESYNC_TIME" in 4.3.5 Provisioning Settings in the
configuration file, the unit downloads the configuration files at the
fixed time, not at regular intervals.
When directed When a setting needs to be changed immediately, units can be directed to
download the configuration files by sending them a NOTIFY message that
includes a special event from the SIP server.
•In the configuration file:
–Specify the special event text in "CFG_RESYNC_FROM_SIP".
•In the Web user interface:
–Click the [Maintenance] tab, click [Provisioning Maintenance],
and then enter the special event text in [Header Value for Resync
Generally, "check-sync" or "resync" is set as the special event text.
Document Version 2010.03.15 Administrator Guide 23
1.1.6 Provisioning