Value Format Integer
Description Specifies the offset of local standard time from UTC (GMT), in minutes.
Value Range -720–780
•Only the following values are available:
-720 (GMT -12:00), -660 (GMT -11:00), -600 (GMT -10:00),
-540 (GMT -09:00), -480 (GMT -08:00), -420 (GMT -07:00),
-360 (GMT -06:00), -300 (GMT -05:00), -240 (GMT -04:00),
-210 (GMT -03:30), -180 (GMT -03:00), -120 (GMT -02:00), -60
(GMT -01:00), 0 (GMT), 60 (GMT +01:00), 120 (GMT +02:00),
180 (GMT +03:00), 210 (GMT +03:30), 240 (GMT +04:00), 270
(GMT +04:30), 300 (GMT +05:00), 330 (GMT +05:30), 345
(GMT +05:45), 360 (GMT +06:00), 390 (GMT +06:30), 420
(GMT +07:00), 480 (GMT +08:00), 540 (GMT +09:00), 570
(GMT +09:30), 600 (GMT +10:00), 660 (GMT +11:00), 720
(GMT +12:00), 780 (GMT +13:00)
•If your location is west of Greenwich (0 [GMT]), the value should
be minus. For example, the value for New York City, U.S.A. is
"-300" (Eastern Standard Time being 5 hours behind GMT).
Default Value 0
Web User Interface Reference Time Zone (Page 78)
Value Format Boolean
Description Specifies whether to enable DST (Summer Time).
Value Range •Y (Enable DST [Summer Time])
•N (Disable DST [Summer Time])
Default Value N
Web User Interface Reference Enable DST (Enable Summer Time) (Page 78)
Value Format Integer
Description Specifies the amount of time, in minutes, to change the time when
"DST_ENABLE" is set to "Y".
136 Administrator Guide Document Version 2010.03.15
4.3.2 System Time Settings