Value Format String
Description Specifies the encryption key (password) used to decrypt configuration
•If the extension of the configuration file is ".e2c", the
configuration file will be decrypted using this key.
Value Range 32-byte characters
•If an empty string is set for this parameter, decryption with this
value is disabled.
Default Value Empty string
CFG_FILE_KEY3Value Format String
Description Specifies the encryption key (password) used to decrypt configuration
•If the extension of the configuration file is ".e3c", the
configuration file will be decrypted using this key.
Value Range 32-byte characters
•If an empty string is set for this parameter, decryption with this
value is disabled.
Default Value Empty string
CFG_FILE_KEY_LENGTHValue Format Integer
Description Specifies the key lengths in bits used to decrypt configuration files.
Value Range •128
Default Value 128
CFG_CYCLICValue Format Boolean
148 Administrator Guide Document Version 2010.03.15
4.3.5 Provisioning Settings