Start Day and Time of DST (Start Day and Time of Summer Time)
Description Selects the month in which DST (Summer Time) starts.
Value Range •January
Default Value March
Configuration File Reference DST_START_MONTH (Page 137)
Day of Week
Using the 2 following settings, specify on which day of the selected month DST (Summer Time) starts. For
example, to specify the second Sunday, select [Second] and [Sunday].
Description Selects the number of the week on which DST (Summer Time) starts.
Value Range •First
Default Value Second
Configuration File Reference DST_START_ORDINAL_DAY (Page 137)
Description Selects the day of the week on which DST (Summer Time) starts.
Value Range •Sunday
Default Value Sunday
Configuration File Reference DST_START_DAY_OF_WEEK (Page 137)
Document Version 2010.03.15 Administrator Guide 79
3.5.5 Time Adjust Settings