Value Range Max. 40 characters
You cannot leave this field empty.
If "{mac}" is included in this field, it will be replaced with the
unit’s MAC address in lower-case.
If "{MAC}" is included in this field, it will be replaced with the
unit’s MAC address in upper-case.
If "{MODEL}" is included in this field, it will be replaced with the
unit’s model name.
If "{fwver}" is included in this field, it will be replaced with the
firmware version of the unit.
Default Value Panasonic_{MODEL}/{fwver} ({mac})
Configuration File Reference HTTP_USER_AGENT (Page 157) Proxy Server Settings

Enable Proxy

Description Selects whether to use the proxy server.
Value Range Yes
Default Value No

Proxy Server Address

Description Specifies the IP address or FQDN of the proxy server.
Value Range Max. 127 characters
You cannot leave this field empty if [Enable Proxy] is set to
Default Value Not stored.

Proxy Server Port

Description Specifies the port number of the proxy server.
Value Range 1–65535
Default Value 8080
Document Version 2010.03.15 Administrator Guide 69
3.4.3 HTTP Client Settings