Set to “VGA60” when 59.9Hz VGA480 signals are being input (refer to page 70 for details). Set to “480p” when 480p RGB signals are being input.
BACK COLORThis sets the color which is projected onto the screen when no signal is being input to the projector.
Set to “ON” when you would like 24 frames per second pictures (such as movies) to project the source faithfully.
Set to “OFF” when the projected pictures have problems with captions or subtitles when the setting is “ON”.
FRONT/REARThis setting should be changed in accordance with the projector
When the projector is placed in front of a screen.
REARWhen using a translucent screen.DESK/CEILINGThis setting should be changed in accordance with the projector
(Refer to page 18.)
When the projector is placed on a desk or similar.
CEILINGWhen the projector is suspended from a ceiling using the ceiling bracket (sold separately).
FAN CONTROLSet “FAN CONTROL” to “HIGH”, when using this projector at high elevations (above 1 400 m) only.
LAMP POWERThis setting changes the lamp brightness. When set to “LOW”, the luminance of the lamp is reduced,
but the projector uses less power, and the operating noise is also reduced. This can help to extend
the lamp’s operating life. If using the projector in small rooms where high luminance is not required, it is recommended that you set the “LAMP POWER” to “LOW”.
LAMP RUN TIMEThis setting displays the usage time for the lamp unit which is currently being used. When replacing the lamp unit, follow the instructions on page 58, and reset “LAMP RUN TIME” to “0”.
BThe lamp’s operating life varies depending on the usage conditions (such as the “LAMP POWER” setting and the
number of times the power is turned on and off).