Panasonic PV-DV101 manual 3, 4JoGKEY, I Auto Shutter, I Manual Selection, SHIITTERiCd-O

Models: PV-DV101

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I Auto Shutter]

To record high speed motion (e.g. tennis stroke) for improved STILL or SLOW MOTION playback when watching the tape on this Camcorder.

_-Before you begin

°Connect the Palmcorder to a power

source. (See pages 11, 12.)

Set POWER Switch to CAMERA.

Insert a cassette with record lab. (See page 6.)

I Auto Shutter]

In the AUTO mode (no indication in the EVF and LCD monitor), the Palmcorder will automatically adjust the shutter speed (up to 1/350).

AUTO mode is automatically selected whenever the POWER Switch is set to CAMERA.

I Manual Selection 1

3, 4JoGKEY


For proper color reproduction, it is recommended that you use this feature outdoors. For indoor High Speed Shutter recording, additional halogen or tungsten light should be provided. Fluorescent light will degrade the picture quality.

°This feature requires ample light. More light is required for the fastest shutter speeds.

The Auto Focus system may not operate properly in insufficient light when using the High Speed Shutter.

When PROG.AE is ON, you cannot manually select the shutler speed.

Press MENU to display the Camera mode menu in the EVF or the LCD monitor.

Rotate and press JOG KEY to select

_, then rotate and press

JOG KEY to seleclll]][3]_Jl.

Press JOG KEY to selectS.

• SHUTTER SPEED menu is displayed.



Rotate JOG KEY to chooseEXlT aPUone" _ of _they

following shutter speeds.

1/100 _ 1/60,!--_AUTO,_--I-I!8000 <---_ 1/4000


• Press MENU three times to exit.

Use when recording a subiect that is darker than the surrounding scene, in a shadowed area, or when the light source is in back of your subject.

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BACK LIGHT in Record mode to



the Backlight feature.

The Indicator "O" will appear in the EVF or

LCD monitor.

Press BACK LIGHT again to cancel the Backlight feature.

* The Indicator 'O" will not appear in the EVF or LCD monitor when OFF is selected in the DISPLAY menu.

EVF or LCD monitor indication


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Image 40
Panasonic PV-DV101 manual 3, 4JoGKEY, I Auto Shutter, I Manual Selection, SHIITTERiCd-O, Before you begin