Component Codes
The Universal Remote Control is capable of operating many component brands after entering a code. Some components may not operate because memory is limited. The Universal Remote Control does not control all features in all models.
Codes for TV
| Brand | Code |
| Akai | 110 |
| Centurion | 112 |
| Daewoo | 120 |
| Emerson | 141, 143, 144 |
| Fisher | 150 |
| GE/Panasonic/ | 101 |
| Quasar |
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| GE/RCA | 162 |
| Hitachi | 180 |
| JVC | 190 |
| Magnavox | 210, 212 |
| Marantz | 220 |
| Brand | Code |
| Panasonic | 100, 101, 102 |
| Pioneer | 222 |
| Proscan | 230 |
| Quasar | 101, 103 |
| Radioshack | 240 |
| RCA | 250, 255 |
| Samsung | 260 |
| Sears/Toshiba | 130 |
| Sharp | 265 |
| Sony | 270 |
| Zenith/Inteq | 290, 291 |
Codes for Cable Box
| Brand | Code |
| ABC | 530 |
| Archer | 531, 544 |
| Cableview | 005, 544 |
| Citizen | 005, 522 |
| Curtis | 130, 131 |
| Diamond | 530, 531, 544 |
| Eagle | 541 |
| Eastern | 560 |
| GC Brand | 005, 544 |
| Gemini | 522 |
| General Instru- | 122, 360, 520, 521, 522, 530, 531, 532, |
| ment/Jerrold | 533 |
| Hamlin | 130, 350, 720, 730, 731, 900 |
| Hitachi | 003, 530 |
| Macom | 003, 004, 005 |
| Memorex | 542 |
| Movietime | 005, 544 |
| Oak | 002, 702, 710 |
| Panasonic | 120, 121, 132 |
| Philips | 006, 541, 542 |
| Pioneer | 001, 260 |
| Pulsar | 005, 544 |
| Brand | Code |
| Puser | 544 |
| Realistic | 544 |
| Regal | 130, 350, 720, 730, 731, 900 |
| Regency | 560 |
| Rembrandt | 005, 544, 702 |
| Samsung | 005 |
| Scientific Atlanta | 122, 130, 131 |
| Simark | 001, 005 |
| Sprucer | 005, 121 |
| Stargate | 005, 544 |
| Teleview | 001, 005 |
| Texscan | 810 |
| Tocom | 700, 701 |
| Toshiba | 004 |
| Unika | 531, 544 |
| Universal | 522, 544 |
| Videoway | 006 |
| Viewstar | 541, 542 |
| Zenith | 000, 280 |
| Zenith/Drake | 000 |
| Satellite |
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