P r o g r a m m i n g C o n v e n t i o n s

All online commands from the host follow these rules.

All data after the TERMINATOR character ( } ) and before the next LEADIN character ( { ) is ignored.

The hex values 7B, 7C and 7D are reserved as command delimiters. All data of a value less than 20 hex and greater than 7E hex is ignored.

All data strings (batch data, compressed bit-map images or format data) begin with a semi-colon (3BH) and end with a TERMINATOR or inter-record separator (IRS or p (7C hex)).

All space characters, except string definitions, are ignored.

All strings must be less than 100 characters.

S t a n d a r d S y n t a x G u i d e l i n e s

A format header must be the first record in your format.

Begin the format name with the beginning of string character (;).

Begin a record with a LEADIN character ({).

Make sure the length and width in these records match your supply length and width. Remember, these numbers are in tenths of millimeters, so 500 equals 50 millimeters or 5 centimeters.

Make sure the row and column locations in the text, bar code, or line records are less than the supply length and width.

Allow enough space to hold all the characters in the field, the bar code height, or the line end point without running off the supply.

Field definitions may be sent in any order, regardless of field location. The last field carries priority over previous fields and overwrites the previous fields if they overlap when printed.

Message Structures 3-5

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Paxar 9474 manual A n d a r d S y n t a x G u i d e l i n e s, O g r a m m i n g C o n v e n t i o n s