To print human readable characters for Code 39, Interleaved 2 of 5, Codabar, Code 128 and MSI bar codes, create a separate text field. However, using this method with UPC or EAN bar codes may not correctly print the bar code.

A new format with the same ID number as a previously defined format overwrites the old format. However, the old format is not overwritten until all batches queued to use the old format are completed.

End records with a record separator ( p ).

End the last record in your format with a terminator character (}).

S t a n d a r d S y n t a x G u i d e l i n e s f o r B a t c h e s

Read the standard syntax guidelines and note the additional items for batches.

A batch header must be the first record in your batch.

For a batch header record or batch data, make sure the number in the first parameter matches the number of the format you are using.

If you choose auto-naming (the printer assigns a batch name), make sure there are no characters or spaces between the beginning of string character (;) and the record separator ( p ).

If the field is an incrementing field, you can enter any type of characters; however, only the numeric data increments.

Send the correct format to the printer before sending the batch. Batch data without a defined format generates an error.

3-6 Message Structures

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Paxar 9474 manual