

Column > head

The column definition for a field location is


greater than the width of the printhead.

Data string

The data string length exceeds 30 characters.

too long.


Format for batch

The format for the batch being sent has not

not found.

been downloaded.

Graphic not found. The graphic specified for a field has not been




The format, batch, line, or graphic identifiers


are out of range.

Invalid barcode

Insufficient or incorrect data was used to


create a barcode field.

Invalid command.

An unknown command was received.

Invalid cut value.

The cut value is not 0 or 1.

Invalid data field.

A field specified to receive data does not


exist on the format. The batch is not created.

Invalid incr/decr

The increment/decrement value is outside


the valid range of 0-999.

Invalid label length. The specified supply length is longer or


shorter than the printer can print.

Invalid label width

The specified supply width is wider or


narrower than the printer can print.

Invalid number of

The number of parts value is outside the valid

parts value.

range of 1-5.

6-14 Error Messages

Page 74
Image 74
Paxar 9474 manual Message Description/Action