Message Description/Action
Scheme # uses | You are defining a check digit field and you |
#CD(s).have selected a check digit scheme (#). The number of characters you marked is wrong for the scheme you chose. Be sure you have selected the right check digit scheme, then mark the check digits again.
Stop location | You are defining a line field, and have given a |
out of range. | stop location that is off the tag. Check your |
| format and enter the correct stop location. |
Sub/merge | You are trying to delete a field that is part of a |
requires this field. | subfield or a merged field. Be sure you are |
| trying to delete the right field. Remove the |
| field you want to delete from the subfield or |
| merged field. Then try to delete the field |
| again. |
Vertical/Horizontal | You entered a field location in Format Entry |
out of range. | that is outside the dimensions of the format. |
| Check the location of the field you are |
| defining to be sure it fits on the tag, then |
| enter the location again. |
O n l i n e M e s s a g e s
The following messages occur during online communication when the transmitted data contains errors. To recover from the error, correct the data, then
O n l i n e Wa r n i n g s
Message | Description/Action |
Column > format | The column definition for a field location is |
width. | greater than the format width definition. |
Error Messages