Message | Description/Action |
Receive framing | Host communication protocol doesn’t match |
error. | machine. Check communication setup at the |
| host. |
Receive overrun | Host communication protocol doesn’t match |
error. | machine. Check communication setup at the |
| host. |
Receive parity | Host communication protocol doesn’t match |
error. | machine. Check communication setup at the |
| host. |
O f f l i n e M e s s a g e s
D a t a E n t r y o r Te s t P r i n t E r r o r s
The following errors occur during data entry or test printing. The messages are listed in alphabetical order.
Message | Description/Action |
CD verify failed. | You entered an incorrect check digit in a field |
| that requires a check digit. |
Improper field | You are trying to enter an invalid number of |
length. | characters in a Fixed or Optional/Fixed field. |
| A Fixed field requires exactly the number of |
| characters shown by the dashes on the |
| screen. An Optional/Fixed field requires |
| either the exact number of characters shown |
| by the dashes on the screen, or 0 characters. |
| Enter the correct number of characters for the |
| field. |
Error Messages