F o r m a t E n t r y E r r o r s



CD scheme not

You selected a check digit scheme number in


Format Entry that is not defined. Define the


check digit scheme in Printer Configuration.

Cannot save

You have not completed any field definitions


for this format.

Format in use.

You are trying to delete a format used by a

Cannot delete.

batch that is printing or waiting to print. Be


sure you are trying to delete the right format.


Wait until the batch that uses the format has


printed, then delete the format.

Format in use.

You are trying to modify a format used by a

Cannot modify.

batch that is printing or waiting to print. Be


sure you are trying to modify the right format.


Wait until the batch that uses the format has


printed, then modify the format.

I 2 of 5 requires even # of digits

You are trying to define the field length for an I 2 of 5 barcode as an odd number. Define the field length as an even number of characters.

Improper field

You are trying to define a field length as


greater than 30 characters or as 0 characters.


All fields must be 1-30 characters (except


merge fields, which may not exceed 26


characters). Re-define the field length



Incompatible field

You tried to use a line field or a graphic field

for merge.

in a merged field. You cannot use these field


types as part of a merged field.

Error Messages 6-11

Page 71
Image 71
Paxar 9474 manual R m a t E n t r y Error s