group RT module 4
rear panel features
matrix in 1–4
located on the back of the GROUP
These 1/4"TRS jacks accept balanced or unbalanced +4dBu line level sig- nals.They act as external inputs for MATRIX
midi in, midi out
located on the back of the GROUP
These jacks make it possible for the MICROPROCESSOR MUTE SYSTEM to be part of a MIDI system. Program changes and certain
midi in
Midi information is brought into the console and routed to the
Microprocessor controlled mute system.
midi out
Midi information being sent out by the
DC power-in
located on the back of the GROUP
This is where the powersupply cable gets connected to the console.
lamp dim
meterbridge connector
This connector carries all of the required connections up to the meter- bridge.
p. 71