group RT module 4
aux/group assignment features
aux sends 5–8
This section is used to send signals to AUXES 5 through 8.The aux signals can originate from the
group-to-aux assignment—GROUP TO AUX
aux stereo 5/6 and 7/8
The default configuration for AUXES 5,6,7 and 8 is mono.These switches con- figure the odd / even (5/6 and 7/8) AUX pairs as stereo sends.
corresponding AUXES are configured as individual mono sends.
corresponding AUXES are configured as LEVEL and PAN for stereo oper- ation.
aux pre-fader 5/6 and 7/8—PRE
The default signal source for the AUX SENDS is
corresponding AUX SENDS are
corresponding AUX SENDS are
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