Pentax MZ-6 manual Using Wireless high-speed sync flash, Set the flash unit to the HS mode

Models: MZ-6

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MZ-6(E)05 E2/095-108 11/8/02 12:09 PM Page 98

Using High-speed sync Flash on the Camera

1 Attaching the flash unit

qRemove the Hot Shoe Cover FK from the camera.


Store the Hot Shoe Cover in the strap’s

pocket. p.12

wAttach the flash unit to hot shoe.

2 Set the flash unit to the HS mode.

qSet the flash unit’s sync mode switch to HS (high-speed sync).


For instructions on how to operate the flash unit, refer to the flash unit’s operating manual.

3 Taking a picture.

qCheck that the flash is ready.

wFocus the subject and take the picture.


When the flash is ready (fully charged), the [ ] will light in the viewfinder when the shutter release button is depressed halfway down.

The high-speed sync is only available when the shutter speed is faster than 1/125 sec.

The high-speed sync flash mode does not work in the Auto Picture Mode and Picture Mode.


Using Wireless high-speed sync flash

1 Positioning the flash

qPlace the flash unit at the desired location.

wSet the flash unit’s power switch to [WIRELESS].

eSet the flash unit’s sync mode switch to HS (high-speed sync).

rSet the wireless mode switch to S (Slave).





For instructions on how to operate the flash unit, refer to the flash



unit's operating manual.



For wireless Flash, refer to page 100.




2 Set the camera to the HS mode.






qPress the flash pop-up button to enable the built-in flash to be






w press the flash mode button until [

] is displayed.


eCheck that both the built-in flash and external flash unit are ready.

rFocus the subject and take the picture.


When the built-in flash is ready (fully charged), the [ ] will light in the viewfinder when the shutter release button is depressed halfway down.

The high-speed sync is only available when the shutter speed is faster than 1/125 sec.



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Pentax MZ-6 manual Using Wireless high-speed sync flash, Set the flash unit to the HS mode, Positioning the flash