TemperatureTemperature input channels monitor RTD or thermocouple temperature sensors inputs for the most
common ranges. You can also configure severity alarms that can send an email, a syslog message,
and/or an SNMP trap when an alarm is triggered or cleared; See Alarm Settings for more information
about the alarms.
RTD ranges are:
Thermocouple ranges are:
In the following example, a Temperature I/O IOLAN is used to monitor industrial freezer
temperature sensors, with an alarm set to send a syslog message if the temperature rises above 31o C.
TCP Port Specify the TCP port that the I/O channel or serial signal pin will use to
communicate to the Host.
Default: 0
zPt100 a=385 -50 to 150C zPt100 a=392 -50 to 150C zPt1000 a=385 -40 to 160C
zPt100 a=385 0 to 100C zPt100 a=392 0 to 100C zNiFe604 a=518 -80 to 100C
zPt100 a=385 0 to 200C zPt100 a=392 0 to 200C zNiFe604 a=518 0 to 100C
zPt100 a=385 0 to 400C zPt100 a=392 0 to 400C
zPt100 a=385 -200 to 200C zPt100 a=392 -200 to 200C
Note: IEC RTD 100 ohms.=0.00385
JIS RTD 100 ohms.=0.00392
zB 500 to 1800C zK 0 to 1370C zT -100 to 400C
zE 0 to 1000C zR 500 to 1750C
zJ 0 to 760C zS 500 to 1750C
Temperature I/O