TruePort I/O
TruePort I/OYou can see a sample API I/O over TruePort program called ioapiotp.c on the CD-ROM.
TruePort/Modbus Combination
If you have a Modbus serial application running on a PC that is connected to a network, you can use
TruePort as a virtual serial connection to communicate with the IOLAN over the network to access
I/O data. You also have the option of enabling SSL as a security option to encrypt the data that is
communicated between the IOLAN and the host machine (SSL/TLS must be configured in the Server
settings and on the TruePort host).
The host running TruePort must be in Modbus/ASCII or Modbus/RTU mode.
I/O Digital
PC running a
Modbus Serial
TrueP ort
UID: 15
Network Power