1While one or several simultaneous calls are in progress, press ,to access the call context carousel.
2Select Record conv. and press ,. To end the conversation recording, press ,, eor hang up.
L If you select Mute, then Record conv., only the caller’s voice is recorded.
In most countries, conversation recording is subject to law regulation. We advise you to notify the caller if you intend to record the conversation you have with him and only record if he agrees. You should also keep any recording private. 30 seconds is the maximum recording time available (see “Memo” page 59).
Other features during a call
•Change the equalizer settings (see page 29),
•Add a name to the phonebook (see page 41),
•Switch to a handsfree (see page 47),
•Write and send a message (SMS) via the phonebook or the Notepad (see page 48),
•Read a message (see page 49),
•Consult your Call list (see page 52),
•Consult your Organiser (see page 53),
•Check a voice mailbox or access a voice server via the Notepad (see page 76),
•Transmit DTMF tones to answering machines and other devices (see page 76),
•Make a second call (see page 76).
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