2 PressCLOCK to select setting.
PressCLOCK repeatedly to switch between
thefollowing settings:
CHNUMBER (channel number select setting)
CATEGORY(channel category select

Switching the SIRIUS display

%PressDISPLAY to switch the SIRIUS dis-
Eachpress of DISPLAY changes the SIRIUS
displayin the following order:
ChannelnameCategory name Artist name
Songtitle/program titleComposer name

When the game of the selected

team starts

Whena game of the selected team is aboutto
start(or is currently playing) on a different sta-
tion,a game alert is displayed. Press
FUNCTIONand hold to switch to that station,
andyou can listen to that game.
!Ifyou do not operate the function within
abouteight seconds, the display is automa-

Displaying game information

Ifgames of your selected teams are currently
playing,you can display information of the
gamesand tune to the broadcast channel.
Youcan display information of the games
whileenjoying the sound from currently tun-
ingstation. You can also tune to the broadcast
channelwhen you wish to.
1 PressFUNCTION to select GAME INFO.
Thegame information of your selected team is
2 Pressaor bto select a game.
Thegame is displayd, followed by more de-
tailedgame information.
!Gamescore will be updated automatically.
!Ifyou want to switch to the channel broad-
castingthe game, change the channel
!Ifyou have not made any team selections,
NOTSET is displayed.
!Whengames involving your favorite teams are
notcurrently playing, NO GAME is displayed.
Other Functions