Q u e s t i o n s A b o u t t h e C o n n e c t i o n t o t h e T i V o S e r v i c e
What if I need to use the phone while the Recorder is connecting to the TiVo service?
•You can interrupt the phone call. To do this, pick up the phone, wait a moment, then hang it up and wait at least
What if my phone line is busy when the Recorder tries to connect to the TiVo service?
•The Recorder will continue to attempt to connect several times a day until it is successful. You can check the status of the connections on the Phone & Network screen (from TiVo Central, select Messages & Setup, then Settings, then Phone & Network). The status of the most recent connection displays near the top of the screen.
Am I charged for the periodic connection to the TiVo service?
•TiVo uses a standard telephone line (or a broadband connection) to provide the TiVo service (including the periodic connection to the TiVo service and software updates) and is available as a local call in most areas. In some areas, however, local and