F i n d i n g P r o g r a m s T h a t M a t c h Y o u r I n t e r e s t s
Browsing, Recording, and Editing a WishList
Browsing all WishList searches. Select “View all upcoming WishList programs” to see a list of up to 10 upcoming shows for each of your WishList searches (up to 200 programs total). The list is divided to show programs found by each WishList. To record a program, select its title to see the Program Information screen then select “Record this episode.”
Browsing an individual WishList. Select the WishList you want to browse, then select “View upcoming programs” to see a list of up to 200 unique upcoming programs that match the WishList. To record a program, select its title to see the Program Information screen, then select “Record this episode.”
For a comprehensive list of all upcoming showings of a program, including repeats (multiple showings of the same program), select the title of the program in the “Upcoming Programs” list. On the Program Information screen that appears, select “View Upcoming Episodes/Showings.”
Editing a WishList. You can change a
As you browse the upcoming
®program titles found by WishList
searches, remember that the CHAN UP/ | 6 |
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DOWN button pages quickly through lists. |
TiVo Central | Pick Programs to Record | Search Using a WishList | 89 |