programs offered by television’s
. Go to TiVo Central, then select
. (See page 18.)
guide to the best upcoming shows on television. Go to TiVo Central, then select Showcases, then TiVolution Magazine. (See page 18.)
Suggestions These show up in the Now Playing list, if they’re recorded.
TiVo Suggestions
TiVo Suggestions is a personalized list of shows selected to match your preferences. How is this magic possible? Any time you watch programs, live or
rate them by pressing the THUMBS UP and THUMBS DOWN buttons ( ). You can give a program up to three Thumbs Up or three Thumbs Down. Also, any time you choose to record a program, it automatically gets one Thumbs Up.
Over time, the more shows you rate, the better TiVo Suggestions will be at finding programs you like. The suggestions are listed under TiVo Suggestions in order of how closely they match your preferences.
Suggested programs based on your ratings appear in TiVo Suggestions. Go to TiVo
Central and select Pick Programs to Record, then TiVo Suggestions. (If you don’t see
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