C h a p t e r 5

M e s s a g e s & S e t u p




To set Rating Limits for specific TV content:

1.From Parental Controls, select “Rating Settings,” then enter your password.

2.Select “Block by TV Content.”

3.You see a list of categories. Select a category (for example, V-Violence)

4.The next screen shows a box with all possible ratings. Ratings in green are not locked; ratings in red are locked. (Ratings in gray do not apply to the category. For example, a TV-Y program would not have V-Violencecontent so there is nothing to block.)

Use the UP and DOWN arrows to adjust which ratings are locked or unlocked. The display to the right of the box changes to tell you exactly what ratings level you are allowing. Your changes are saved automatically. When you are done, press RIGHT or LEFT arrow to return to Parental Controls.

gray = does not apply

to the category

green = not locked red = locked


TiVo Central Messages & Setup Settings Parental Controls