C h a p t e r 5 | M e s s a g e s & S e t u p | |
The Phone & Network Setup screen has different selections depending on whether or not you have connected a network adapter to your Recorder. Before you connect a network adapter, you will see these selections:
•Edit phone settings. This selection takes you to the Phone Dialing Options screen. Selections on this screen are explained in detail on page 61.
•Test phone connection. Select this to start a test connection to the TiVo service. You may wish to use this option for troubleshooting or other unusual circumstances. Test connections usually only take a couple of minutes. When the connection has finished, press SELECT to continue.
•Connect to the TiVo service now. Under normal use, you do not need to connect to the TiVo service manually. However, for troubleshooting or other unusual circumstances, you may wish to use this option. After you start the connection, the status indicator reads “Starting Up” and will change as it goes through several stages. You can watch live TV, set up recordings, and search for programs while the connection is in progress.
•Troubleshooting. This selection takes you to the Troubleshooting screen, where you will find Phone Troubleshooting and Network Troubleshooting steps among other selections.
•Learn about connecting to a home network. Before you connect a network adapter to your Recorder, the Phone & Network Setup screen will display this selection with a yellow star. See Chapter 8 for more information about connecting your Recorder to a home network.
After you connect a network adapter to your Recorder, you will no longer see “Learn about connecting to a home network.” You will have two new selections available:
60 | TiVo Central Messages & Setup Settings Phone & Network |