Q u e s t i o n s A b o u t N o w P l a y i n g
What does it mean when my Recorder says programs will be deleted earlier than planned?
•By default, all programs are kept until space is needed. After that, programs you have not set to save longer may be deleted to make room for other recordings you request. The TiVo service includes smart scheduling features that keep track of when programs become available to be deleted, and of how much free space will be available at any given time in the future. If space will not be available to record a program you request, the TiVo service gives you the option of deleting some programs early to make more room. However, you always have the final say on how long the Recorder keeps programs. You can delete a program at any time and can always change how long it is saved by changing the “Keep until…” option. To see “Keep until...,” select the program in Now Playing.