Q u e s t i o n s A b o u t C o n f l i c t s

Questions About Conflicts

Can I record multiple programs simultaneously?

No. You can watch any program in Now Playing while another is recording. However, you can only record one program at a time on your Recorder because it does not contain the necessary hardware to record two programs at once.

How can I record a program (or programs) when there is a conflict?

If a single episode of a repeating recording conflicts with another program, you can select that episode in the To Do List and delete it independently of the rest of the repeating recording.

[TiVo Plus only] If you encounter a conflict for a single episode, use “View upcoming episodes” to see if the program or episode you want will air at a different time. (For more information, see page 78.)

[TiVo Plus only] You can sometimes resolve recording conflicts by changing the “Stop Time” or “Start Time” Recording Options. (See page 76 for more about these Recording Options.) For example, if you set a program to start recording one minute early, it may conflict with a recording that airs right before it. To resolve such a conflict, change the “Start Time” back to “On Time” on the Recording Options screen.

[TiVo Plus only] The Recorder gives each repeating recording a priority. You can resolve some conflicts in favor of preferred programs by using the Season Pass Manager to change priorities. Priorities and the Season Pass Manager are described on page 77.