C h a p t e r 2 | T h e B a s i c s i n 5 S h o r t T o u r s | |
Tour Three: Now Playing and Copy* To DVD
The last tour showed you how to find and record programs. After a program has started recording, it appears in Now
An icon like this next to a recording in Now Playing tells you the recording's current status (see the inside back cover for a glossary of these icons). Programs appear in
Now Playing the moment they begin recording, and you can watch any title in Now
Try it now. Highlight a program and press PLAY ( ). (If there are no programs in Now Playing, go to live TV and start a recording so you can complete this tour.)
Now for the cool
Keep until... By default, the oldest programs you record may be deleted to make room for new recordings you've scheduled (they are usually kept at least two days). However, you always have the option to keep a program for as long as you want.
To change how long a program in Now Playing is saved, highlight it and press SELECT or RIGHT arrow. The Program Information screen appears. Select “Keep until....” On the
next screen you can choose “Keep until I delete” or use the arrow buttons to highlight and change the date displayed. When you are done, press SELECT.