C h a p t e r 3

P l a y i n g a n d R e c o r d i n g P r o g r a m s




TiVo Central

Almost everything you do with the TiVo service will start in TiVo Central; you can set up recordings, watch programs, read messages from the TiVo service, and access special Showcases featuring entertaining and informative video. To get to TiVo Central, press the TiVo button on your remote control.

Occasionally, you will notice special icons beside some of the options in TiVo Central. These icons let you know that you have received something new from the TiVo service:

When you see this icon, you know you have new messages to read.

This icon appears next to selections that contain special video content.

Choose the selection next to this icon to watch a special preview or visit a Showcase.

Choose the selection next to this icon to check out special offers or information from TiVo.

The silver disc icon appears if a playable DVD is inserted.

(Orange with black border) This icon appears if a copy to DVD is in progress. All DVD functions (such as playing a disc, copying to another DVD) are unavailable.

This icon appears if a playable CD is inserted.

From TiVo Central, you can go to Now Playing to watch recorded (or recording!) programs and watch DVDs. You can also go to Pick Programs to Record to schedule recordings.