The information in the System - Services - UPS page is derived from the UPS itself.
Refer to your UPS’s documentation for further details.
Note: The SNAZ only supports APC Smart brand UPSs.
1From the menu bar, select System - Services and click on UPS. The UPS (Status) page opens:
•UPS Model - The type of UPS attached to the SNAZ
•Status - The UPS's status (e.g ONLINE,)
•Line Voltage - The UPS's input voltage
•Battery Charge - The amount of battery charge, in percent, remaining
•Battery Time Left - The amount of battery charge, in minutes, remaining
•Output Voltage - The UPS's output voltage (to the SNAZ)
•UPS Temperature - The temperature of the UPS enclosure
•Last time power was transferred to UPS - The last time the power was transferred from the mains supply to the UPS.
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