PM5358 S/UNI-4x622 Driver Manual
Appendix A: Coding Conventions
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc. 122
Document ID: PMC-2010419, Issue 1
Type Case Naming convention Examples
Functions Notation
Functions Hungarian
Notation prefix with “sys” and device name sysSuni4x622Read()
Functions Hungarian
Notation utilSuni4x622Valid
Variables Hungarian
Notation maxDevs
Pointers to
variables Hungarian
Notation prefix variable name with “p” pmaxDevs
variables Hungarian
Notation prefix with device name suni4x622Mdb


Macro names must be all uppercase
Words shall be separated by an underscore
The letter ‘m’ in lowercase is used as a prefix to specify that it is a macro, then the device
abbreviation must appear
Example: mSUNI4x622_GET_BIT is a valid name for a macro


Constant names must be all uppercase
Words shall be separated by an underscore
The device abbreviation must appear as a prefix
Example: SUNI4x622_MAX_POLL is a valid name for a constant


Structure names must be all uppercase
Words shall be separated by an underscore
The letter ‘s’ in lowercase must be used as a prefix to specify that it is a structure, then the
device abbreviation must appear
Example: sSUNI4x622_DDB is a valid name for a structure