PM5358 S/UNI-4x622 Driver Manual
Application Programming Interface
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc. 78
Document ID: PMC-2010419, Issue 1

4.10 Automatic Protection Configuration

The Automatic Protection Configuration section is responsible for configuring the S/UNI-4x622
to use the APS ports.

Configuring APS Working/Protect Mate: suni4x622APSCfg

When enable is set, this function enables the S/UNI-4x622 to operate as an APS working/protect
mate under a failed condition. When enable is not set, this function resumes normal operation.
Prototype INT4 suni4x622APSCfg(sSUNI4x622_HNDL deviceHandle,
UINT1 mode, UINT1 enable)
Inputs deviceHandle : device handle (from suni4x622Add)
mode : =0 if working mate; =1 if protect mate
enable : start/stop APS operation
Outputs None
Returns Success = SUNI4x622_SUCCESS
Valid States SUNI4x622_ACTIVE, SUNI4x622_INACTIVE
Side Effects None

Configuring the Source Channel for the Given Channel Receive Path:


The function is used to contr ol the sou rce chann el for the receiv e path.
Prototype INT4 suni4x622RPCfg(sSUNI4x622_HNDL deviceHandle,
UINT1 channel, UINT1 srcChan)
Inputs deviceHandle : device handle (from suni4x622Add)
channel : receive path channel number
srcChan : source channel number
Outputs None
Returns Success = SUNI4x622_SUCCESS
Valid States SUNI4x622_ACTIVE, SUNI4x622_INACTIVE
Side Effects None