| PM5358 | |
| Clearing RPOH Interrupt Enable Mask: suni4x622ClrMaskRPOH | 86 |
| Getting PYLD Interrupt Enable Mask: suni4x622GetMaskPYLD | 87 |
| Setting PYLD Interrupt Enable Mask: suni4x622SetMaskPYLD | 87 |
| Clearing PYLD Interrupt Enable Mask: suni4x622ClrMaskPYLD | 88 |
| Getting FIFO Interrupt Enable Mask: suni4x622GetMaskFIFO | 88 |
| Setting FIFO Interrupt Enable Mask: suni4x622SetMaskFIFO | 89 |
| Clearing FIFO Interrupt Enable Mask: suni4x622ClrMaskFIFO | 89 |
| Getting Line Interface Interrupt Enable Mask: suni4x622GetMaskIntfLine | 90 |
| Setting Line Interface Interrupt Enable Mask: suni4x622SetMaskIntfLine | 90 |
| Clearing Line Interface Interrupt Enable Mask: suni4x622ClrMaskIntfLine | 91 |
| Getting System Interface Interrupt Enable Mask: suni4x622GetMaskSysIntf | 91 |
| Setting System Interface Interrupt Enable Mask: suni4x622SetMaskSysIntf | 92 |
| Clearing System Interface Interrupt Enable Mask: |
| suni4x622ClrMaskSysIntf | 92 |
| Getting APS Interrupt Enable Mask: suni4x622GetMaskAPS | 93 |
| Setting APS Interrupt Enable Mask: suni4x622SetMaskAPS | 93 |
| Clearing APS Interrupt Enable Mask: suni4x622ClrMaskAPS | 94 |
| Polling the Interrupt Status Registers: suni4x622Poll | 94 |
| 95 | |
| 95 | |
4.12 Alarm, Status and Counts Functions | 96 | |
| Getting the Device Status: suni4x622GetStatusChan | 96 |
| Getting the Device Status: suni4x622GetStatusSOH | 96 |
| Getting the Device Status: suni4x622GetStatusLOH | 97 |
| Getting the Device Status: suni4x622GetStatusRPOH | 97 |
| Getting the Device Status: suni4x622GetStatusIntfLine | 98 |
| Getting the Device Status: suni4x622GetStatusPYLD | 98 |
| Getting the Device Counts: suni4x622GetCountsChan | 99 |
| Getting the Device Counts: suni4x622GetCountsSOH | 99 |
| Getting the Device Counts: suni4x622GetCountsLOH | 100 |
| Getting the Device Counts: suni4x622GetCountsRPOH | 100 |
| Getting the Device Counts: suni4x622GetCountsPYLD | 101 |
4.13 | Device Diagnostics | 101 |
| Testing Register Accesses: suni4x622DiagTestReg | 101 |
| Enabling Line Loopbacks: suni4x622DiagLineLoop | 102 |
| Enabling Path Diagnostic Loopbacks: suni4x622DiagPathLoop | 102 |
| Enabling Data Diagnostic Loopbacks: suni4x622DiagDataLoop | 102 |
| Enabling Parallel Diagnostics Loopbacks: suni4x622DiagParaLoop | 103 |
| Enabling Serial Diagnostics Loopbacks: suni4x622DiagSerialLoop | 103 |
4.14 | Callback Functions | 104 |
| Notifying the Application of SOH Events: cbackSuni4x622SOH | 104 |
| Notifying the Application of LOH Events: cbackSuni4x622LOH | 105 |
| Notifying the Application of RPOH Events: cbackSuni4x622RPOH | 105 |
| Notifying the Application of PYLD Events: cbackSuni4x622PYLD | 106 |
| Notifying the Application of SYSINTF Events: cbackSuni4x622SysIntf | 106 |
| Notifying the Application of FIFO Events: cbackSuni4x622FIFO | 107 |
5 Hardware Interface | 108 | |
5.1 Device I/O | 108 | |
| Reading from a Device Register: sysSuni4x622Read | 108 |
| Writing to a Device Register: sysSuni4x622Write | 108 |
| Polling a Bit: sysSuni4x622PollBit | 109 |
Proprietary and Confidential to | 7 |
Document ID: |