PM5358 S/UNI-4x622 Driver Manual
Appendix A: Coding Conventions
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc. 121
Document ID: PMC-2010419, Issue 1
This section describes the coding conventions used in the implementation of all PMC-Sierra
driver software.

Variabl e Typ e Definitions

Table 38: Variable Type Definitions
Type Description
UINT1 unsigned integer – 1 byte
UINT2 unsigned integer – 2 bytes
UINT4 unsigned integer – 4 bytes
INT1 signed integer – 1 byte
INT2 signed integer – 2 bytes
INT4 signed integer – 4 bytes

Naming Conventions

Table 39 presents a summary of the naming conventions followed by all PMC-Sierra driver
software. A detailed description is then given in the following sub-sections.
The names used in the drivers are verbose enough to make their purpose fairly clear. This makes
the code more readable. Generally, the device’s name or abbreviation appears in prefix.
Table 39: Naming Conventions
Type Case Naming convention Examples
Macros Uppercase prefix with “m” and device abbreviation mSUNI4x622_GET_BIT
Constants Uppercase prefix with device abbreviation SUNI4x622_MAX_POLL
Structures Hungarian
Notation prefix with “s” and device abbreviation sSUNI4x622_DDB
API Hungarian prefix with device name suni4x622Add()