PM5358 S/UNI-4x622 Driver Manual
Application Programming Interface
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc. 59
Document ID: PMC-2010419, Issue 1

4.4 Device Read and Write

Reading from Device Registers: suni4x622Read

This function reads a register of a specific S/UNI-4x622 device by providing the register number.
This function derives the actual address location based on the device handle and register number
inputs. It then reads the contents of this address location using the system specific macro,
sysSuni4x622Read. Note that a failure to read returns a zero and any error indication is written
to the associated DDB.
Prototype UINT1 suni4x622Read(sSUNI4x622_HNDL deviceHandle,
UINT2 regNum)
Inputs deviceHandle : device handle (from suni4x622Add)
regNum : register number
Outputs ERROR code written to the MDB
ERROR code written to the DDB
Returns Success = value read
Failure = 0
Valid States SUNI4x622_PRESENT, SUNI4x622_ACTIVE,
Side Effects May affect registers that change after a read operation

Writing to Device Registers: suni4x622Write

This function writes to a register of a specific S/UNI-4x622 device by providing the register
number. This function derives the actual address location based on the device handle and register
number inputs. It then writes the contents of this address location using the system specific
macro, sysSuni4x622Write. Note that a failure to write returns a zero and any error indication
is written to the DDB .
Prototype UINT1 suni4x622Write(sSUNI4x622_HNDL deviceHandle,
UINT2 regNum, UINT1 value)
Inputs deviceHandle : device handle (from suni4x622Add)
regNum : register number
value : value to be written
Outputs ERROR code written to the MDB
ERROR code written to the DDB
Returns Success = value written