PM5358 S/UNI-4x622 Driver Manual
Data Structures
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc. 35
Document ID: PMC-2010419, Issue 1
Field Name Field Type Field Description
stateDevice eSUNI4x622_DEV_STATE Device State; can be one of the following
baseAddr void * Base address of the device
usrCtxt sSUNI4x622_USR_CTXT Stores the users context for the device. It
is passed as an input parameter when the
driver invokes an application callback
profileNum UINT2 Profile number used at initialization
pollISR eSUNI4x622_ISR_MODE Indicates the current type of ISR / polling
cbackSOH sSUNI4x622_CBACK Address for the callback function for SOH
cbackLOH sSUNI4x622_CBACK Address for the callback function for LOH
cbackRPOH sSUNI4x622_CBACK Address for the callback function for
RPOH events
cbackPYLD sSUNI4x622_CBACK Address for the callback function for
PYLD events
cbackFIFO sSUNI4x622_CBACK Address for the callback function for FIFO
cbackIntfLine sSUNI4x622_CBACK Address for the callback function for Line
In terface ev ents
cbackIntfSys sSUNI4x622_CBACK Address for the callback function for
System Interface events
cbackAPS sSUNI4x622_CBACK Address for the callback function for APS
cfgGlobal sSUNI4x622_CFG_GLOBAL Global configuration block
cfgChan[4] sSUNI4x622_CFG_CHAN Channel configuration block ( 4 channels
per device)
mask sSUNI4x622_MASK_ISR Interrupt Enable Mask