Data Structures
Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
sdsap | UINT4 | SD Accumulation period |
sdsth | UINT4 | SD Saturation Threshold |
sddth | UINT4 | SD Declaring Threshold |
sdcth | UINT4 | SD Clearing Threshold |
Table 25:
Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
statusSOH | sSUNI4x622_STATUS | Alarms, status and counts from the Section |
| _SOH | Overhead (SOH) section |
statusLOH | sSUNI4x622_STATUS | Alarms, status and counts from the Line Overhead |
| _LOH | (LOH) section |
statusRPOH | sSUNI4x622_STATUS | Alarms, status and counts from the Receive Path |
| _RPOH | Overhead (RPOH) Section |
statusPYLD | sSUNI4x622_STATUS | Alarms, status and counts from the Payload Section |
| _PYLD |
statusLINE | sSUNI4x622_STATUS | Alarms, status and counts from Line Interface |
| _INTF_LINE | section |
Section Overhead (SOH) Status
Table 26:
Field Name | Field Type | Field Description |
oof | UINT1 | Out of frame defect |
lof | UINT1 | Loss of frame defect |
los | UINT1 | Loss of signal defect |
tiu | UINT1 | Section trace identifier unstable |
tim | UINT1 | Section trace identifier mismatch |
Proprietary and Confidential to | 45 |
Document ID: |